Sunday 29 November 2015


This news article explains about scientists at Cornell University who have done a breakthrough wich consists of in a possible cure to cancer disease.
They have already tested on mice, injecting them a kind of white-blood-cell (WBC) with a protein, called TRAIL that was created by these scientists. This protein turns WBC into what they have called "super natural killer cells". The role that TRAIL has is to seek out cancer cells and to wipe out them by inducing to the cell apoptosis state (the disease self-destructs and desintegrates).
This fact implies that the disease will not spread through other parts of the body.

So it seems that these scientists have found new technical advances to prevent and eliminate cancer metastasis.
This article amazed me, because it showed me how far Science is progessing. Many scientists have tried to find a cure to cancer. Some of them almost achieved it and others weren't so lucky. It is very positive to our society to know perfectly this diseasse and obtain a cure of it, so it will improve our living standard.


Chinese doctors working with UK experts from Bristol and Cardiff universities discovered that "Superbugs are threatening to unleash a global epidemic of untreatable infections after breaching the last line of antibiotic defences, scientists announced last night."
Polymyxins were until now the only group of antibiotics that worked but now experts have identified the first germs to become resistant to the drugs. They warned of the inevitable spread of uncontrollable superbugs that attack the blood and lungs.

They had found a gene which enables infectious bacteria such as E.coli to become untreatable.
The alarming findings show that the mobile gene can easily be transferred to other types of bacteria.
Polymyxins are widely used in farming, if bugs in animals become resistant to the drugs, they could be transferred to humans who eat the meat.

The more that antibiotics are used the easier it is for bacteria to evolve to become resistant to them.


A survey by the University of Leeds found that a 25 per cent of people get less than five hours' sleep a night.
The researchers also noted a distinct mismatch between how much sleep people intended to get - or thought they needed - and what they actually got.

People who sleep for less than six hours a night are four times more likely to come down with a cold than those sleeping for seven or more hours.
'Sleep deprivation has a negative impact on the immune system.'
White blood cells called lymphocytes don't reproduce effectively when we're sleep deprived.
Scientists in the U.S. found that we lose our sense of humour when we're tired, because finding something funny is one of the most complex brain processes.
Sleep experts say a 'tired' voice tends to sound flat and monotone. This is because the muscles in the throat that govern the sound of our voice are not as well controlled when we're tired.
A common test for pain tolerance is to see how long someone can keep their hand in cold water. Those with insomnia removed their hand earlier than those sleeping well.
'It's been estimated that a unit of alcohol drunk when someone is sleep deprived will have the same effect on performance as three units consumed when someone is fully rested'.
As we're less able to control our muscles when we're sleep deprived, our face droops meaning others may think we look sad.
When researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder in the U.S. asked people to reduce their sleep to just five hours a night and left them with easy access to snacks during the day, they gained an average of 2lb in just one week.
'Sleep loss is almost the perfect storm for over-eating and weight gain'.
Poor sleep is known to affect memory function. Experts suspect that sleep is a time when we consolidate memory, with the brain working out which of the events of the day we need to recall and which can be forgotten.
Feeling sleepy after lunch is not a sign of sleep deprivation, says Dr Stanley. 'That's normal and related to the body clock and a natural fall in body temperature that occurs at this time.' However, feeling like you could nod off at 11am is a sign you need more sleep.

21st November Show in Bàscara

Last Saturday Somboits played in the Bàscara's local party. We checked that every effort has its reward. We've worked very hard during these moths to elaborate a show, we don't know if worthy enough, for the public. We played some covers from The Cat Empire, Els Catarres, Bongo Botrako and our own songs.
We are very glad to have the opportunity to play next to Itaca Band, AtVersaris and Adrià Giner DJ. We had so much fun and we spent such a good time. It was the first time we played in an event like that and we were very proud to have achieved it.
We can only say thank you to everyone who came!
Now we will "disappear" from scenario a few months to prepare new themes but we will return with more energy than ever!!


When our teacher showed us the picture that contained statements about the failures that some of the most successful famous had, it shocked me.
It taught me that every body can fail as often as necessary if you don't lose the desire of progress. Moreover, these failures teach you your errors and this will make you reach the best option next time you try.
What people don't know is that some of the famous we admire had failed, but they didn't give up, faced their struggles and achieved their dream and succeed in their respective field of study and work.
Stars like Michael Jordan or Walt Disney at first they were not very lucky. Jordan when he was a child was cut from his hight school basketball team. Then, this fact made Jordan start training so he arrived to the NBA and now is considered the best basketball player ever.
In Walt Disney case, he was fierd from a newspaper because he "didn't have good ideas or imagination". After that, he created Disney Company that has marked on our childhood.
So in conclusion, the quote "If you've never failed, you've never tried anything new" sumarises perfectly this topic.

How do ads influence viewers?

The function of advertisments is to persuade people to buy something, and to influence people, some techniques are used to trigger buying decisions.
When we sit down in front of the TV and we see advertisements, we let companies influence us in what we have to spend our money on. Honestly, I don't believe that I am susceptible to being influenced by advertising. And I'm sure other people think the same. However, it wouldn't be so present if it didn't work.
Advertisers sends us subliminal messages in the ads, so we will not notice we are being manipulated. These ads appear innocently in to have an influence on us.
One of the reason for advertising is simply informing people that a product exists and we can now buy it. The most people know about a product, the most products will be sold.
What ads do is influence people to buy a product and then the result will let the company know about the positive valuations and, in consecuense, they will see the negative valuations, too. So the companies will know if the product is well sold or not, and this will make them modify the product to make it more competitive.
Lots of advertising connects a product or brand with a way of life. This makes people identify with that lifestyle and make them feel attracted to the products.

In conclusion ads affect us a lot, wether if we want or not. They are very powerful and influence our lifestyle.

Which type of humour do you prefere?

It is very funny when I see videos where slaptick is present. I have so much fun when I see people falling or being hitted on any part of the body, because you know that they maybe are getting hurt but they didn't breake any part of the body and, in fact, it's because of their fault. They have done fooly things. That's the reason because I laugh so much.
But I like irony and a bit of sarcasm, too. It is interesting to me these types of humour because not everybody gets them. They require a bit of intelligence to understand them.
Quotes like this:

It makes me reflect about these statements that are mentioned here. And it is true. We "need" to experiment bad things to know the good ones. If we don't know what is sadness, we can not appreciate what is happiness.
So, I like to have fun seeing slaptick videos, but I prefere to read ironic quotes that make me think about things in general.

A joke that made me laugh

A man working with an electric saw accidentally cuts off all of his fingers. At the emergency room, his doctor says, "Give me the fingers, and I'll see what I can do."
The injured man replies, "But I don't have the fingers!"
"Why didn't you bring them?" the doctor asks.
The injured man responds, "Doc, I couldn't pick them up."

This is quite a funny joke that is classified in the Doctor genre, but it has a bit of dark humour.

How long could you survive without modern thecnology?

Nowadays lots of people need technology for their daily lives because we live in the 21st century, so society is dominated by modern technical issues.
Fortunately, technology has moved forward very fast since the late 90's and all of the 21st century. This is a very important fact because it has helped to face lots of aspects, like finding cures for a very large vaiety of diseases or passing on information in various formats, with speed.
However, now people use their mobile phones or laptops or tablets to comunicate to everyone at any time and also they check information through Internet.
They are addicted and obsessed with this modern technology. And it is very difficult to change because the different brands and companies have established them as a necessary issue to belong to the modern society.
I could survive without my mobile, my laptop or whatever "modern people" use beacause luckily I am not as addicted as many of my friends. They would suffer two hous without modern technology.

Exam composition

When we are young we're (supposed to be) beautiful. And we are very happy while it lasts. But when you grow up, everyone changes and gets old and maybe ugly.
When Lord Henry told this to Dorian Gray, he knew that the young man would be influenced by him but not that much. In fact, I'm sure that if anyone says that to us, we will have the same reaction as Dorian. People attract people mostly by the appearance, so if you are beautiful you'll "succeed in love". And that's why people are obsessed with beauty and youth, as Dorian did. So this statement challenges us how far we would go to last beautiful and and young.
That's the reason why lots of people are obsessed with these two aspects and it proves that we are not happy at all with our physical appearance.
I've chosen this statement because I consider it a goog sentence to make a reflection.

Oral presentation self-evaluation

In this oral presentation that I did with my partner Pau Bosch, I wasn't so much concentrated (because of personal issues that don't care to any one) and this is the result.
I am very upset and embarrased of it and it has taught me that if you want to have succeed in this kind of task, you have to be concentrated and forget everything you have in mind.
I am not proud of the presentation I did and I have to appologise to all my classmates, to my teacher and, above all, to Pau.
I think that is the way I can learn of my big mistake and the next project I'll do my best to have a good result.
I can't say anything more because it ashames me.

Sophie Scott: Why we laugh (TED)

In this video speech, Sophie Scott, a neuroscientist, tells us about the reason why we laugh.

To understand laughter, you have to look at the ribcage, and what we all don't stop doing is breathing.
Humans are not the only animals that laugh. In fact, you find laughter throughout the mammals, associated with play. Robert Provine, who has done a lot of work on this, has pointed out that we are 30 times more likely to laugh if we are with somebody else than if we're on our own, and where we find most laughter is in social interactions. The origins of laughter lie in the social context.
There are two types of laughter: the real one and the posed one.
Everybody, young and old, finds the real laughs more contagious than the posed laughs, but as you get older, it becomes less contagious.
When we laugh with people, lets us access a really ancient evolutionary system that mammals have evolved to make and maintain social bonds, and to regulate emotions, to make ourselves feel better.

Joke Podcast

Is humour necessary?

Humour is an infectious and contagious mood that every single people must experiment every day. Humour is like breathing: it has to be present in our lives.
First of all it helps you relax, due to the fact our body triggers the production of endorphines (that promotes an overall sense of well-bieng) and it also relieves physical tension. Humour shifts perspective, allowing us to see situations from a distant view, so problems do not affect us so hard.
Secondly, simply it promotes group bondings. Humour attracts other people to us and strenghtens relationships.
And finally it is a good tool to "parody everything" we would like to criticise because we disagree with it. For example, we can satirise our society or the government to show the shortcomings they have, so we consider they need to change their proceedings.
So, in conclusion, humour is necessary because we can (and we should) use it at anytime.

Angela Lee Duckworth: The key to success? Grit

In this video/speech, Angela Lee Duckworth talks about how everyone (not only succesful students) can have success.
She was a Maths teacher and saw that good students didn't pass the exams. She wanted to know the reason of that and she studied psicology. Thanks to that new studies, she realized that students needed an extramotivational perspective to learn and understand the subject and also that IQ wasn't the only factor that determined success. So she named Grit the key of success to everyone. "Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals." People can learn how to be grittier by changing our ability to learn, also called "growth mindset".
In conclusion, every single person can achieve success thanks to the idea of grit, that actually, it is not related to talent.

In my opinion, I considere that effort, perseverance and talent determine our future: If you work hard, you sure would be succesful, but I really think that the best ones are those who have an innate talent and know how to take profit of it.

Monday 8 June 2015

1st Batxillerat Review

My first year of Batxillerat was a bit strange because it passed very fast.
First of all, it was a quite complicated year because if you wanted to take a good mark you had to study a lot (not like in ESO, where you can take good marks without studying a lot).
In 1st Batxillerat you don't have as many projects or homework than in 3rd or 4th of ESO. And this fact helps a lot because you can be more focused on studying every single subject.
Then, I noticed that my level dropped down from the first term to the third term, so my marks dropped to. I know it is a difficult year but it is not an excuse.
I considere I have learnt a lot during the school year. 
I hope to remain the level and can take good marks to study the degree I want.
So, 1st Batxillerat was a profitous year because I learned a lot thanks to the teachers and, above all, thanks to the classmates I had.

News: Biologists Identify Vulnerability in Brain Cancer Cells

Researchers have discovered a vulnerability of brain cancer cells that could offer a new opportunity for treatment of glioblastoma. Researchers find a subset of glioblastoma tumor cell that is dependent on a particular enzyme that breaks down the amino acid glycine. Without this enzyme, toxic metabolic byproducts build up inside the tumor cells, and they die. Blocking this enzyme in glioblastoma cells could offer a new way to combat this tumors. Loss of GLDC produces a disorder (nonketotic hyperglycinemia, which can cause severe mental retardation). The researchers found that GLDC is overexpressed only in glioblastoma cells with SHMT2 gene. Those cells are dependent on GLDC and when they lose it, they die. SHMT2 is expressed most highly in cancer cells and gives these cells a survival edge because it can indirectly influence the activity of PKM2 enzyme, that can impact whether cells can generate the material to build new cancer cells, but the same regulation also affects the consumption of oxygen. Without GLDC, glycine enters a different metabolic pathway that generates toxic products that accumulate and kill the cell. The finding also raises the possibility that these GLDC-dependent cells could be killed with drugs that block GLDC activity.

Source: Anne Trafton, MIT News

My top 10 favourite rock bands and some of their songs

1. The Beatles: I think this was the first rock band I heard about and I interested in, so because of that I put them in the first place.
Hey Jude, A day in the life, Let it be are my favourite songs.
2. The Rolling Stones: This is a great band that I admire because they are from the "Old School".
Satisfaction, Gimme Shelter, Sympathy for the devil.
3. AC/DC: This is the band I listen to more frecuently and that I like the most now. I really enjoy listening to Angus Young solos.
You shoock me all night long, Back in black or Highway to hell.
4. Guns n' Roses: I like this band because of their awsome guitarrist: Slash, with a fantastic artistic career that has made everyone enjoy.
Paradise City, Welcome to the jungle or Sweet Child O'mine are some of the songs that I love.
5. Metallica: Master of puppets, One.
6. Jimmy Hendrix: I think he is one of the bests guitarrists of all times.
Voodoo Child, All along the watchtower.
7. Led Zeppelin: Starway to heaven, Kashmir.
8. Nirvana: a revolutionary band that made enjoy all their fans.
The man who sold the world, Smells like teens spirit.
9. Red Hot Chili Peppers: Californication, Soul to squeeze.
10. U2: With or without you, One.

It is a very subjective classification. Maybe some people like it or maybe others hate it but this is a honest opinion in what I really believe.

My favourite cartoons

My favourite cartoons are The Simpsons. I think this is the best show ever because you don't get borred (you cannot get borred) with any episode. It's a very clever and intelligent show that rewards paying attention. There are always references to many things that in every viewing of an episode you will find something you hadn't before.
At first, The Simpsons achieved their popularity from the everyday episodes and way of life of the Simpson family. Homer is very lazy and doesn't like his job, Bart doesn't study at school and hi is a naughty boy. Marge a usual housewife, responsible and the voice of reason. Lisa, the smartest member of the family, and maybe the different of the family. And finally Maggie, not a simple baby , but a member of the family that plays and important roll in the show. This program makes funny imperfect things. This show is packed with jokes and because it's a cartoon, the writers can get away with surreal scenes.
So better you saw it and don't miss any episode of this peculiar family.

Book Review: Officially Dead. Richard Prescott

This book talks about a failed robbery. The main characters are Collin and Julie Fenton, a couple who work on their own Informatics company; and John and Linda Bentley, apparently a common couple, they had a hard past (he was a thief and she was abandoned by her mother).
One night, Collin Fenton went to a pub and met the Bentley family. He and John were indentical and because of that, Linda decided to get closer with Collin to prepare the perfect alibi for the "perfect robbery". By the other side, the Fenton's company didn't produced enough and had many debts. That's why Collin accepted to help the Bentleys to make the robbery, but Julie didn't know that.
Unfortunately the plan went wrong: Collin had an accident and died as John Bentley, so now the Bentleys could make the robbery without any danger.
But there was a witness in the accident, Mark Ashwood. When Collin died he told Mark: "Tell Julie I am sorry". He went to the Bentleys house and discovered that Bentley widow's name was Linda.
From this point of the story, Mark met Julie and solved the case. Then, they started living together. After the robbery, the Bentleys escaped to Spain. Finally, seven years past and they were arrested.

I didn't feel identified with any of the scenes of the book, but I think it is a good novel from the point of view of detective narration. I recommend it to everyone who likes this kind of novels, with action, investigations and a happy end.

Sunday 7 June 2015


Somboits is the name of my new group, an Empordanès group born in early 2015. It is formed by 8 great music students eager to form a group and to make people sing and dance with their music.
We considere that we have not a difining style or kind of music because we play a great variety of music styles.
The members of the group are:
Roger Carreras: the guitarrist and principal vocalist (although he is a great drummer and percussionist). He is the soul of the group.
Martí Sanchez: the pianist, accordionist (and any instrument you can imagine) and second vocalist. He is the soul of the group, too.
Ot Subiranas: the bassist.
Arnau Grau: the drummer.
Ion Cortada: percussion instruments and third vocalist.
Josep Comas: the trumpeter and chorister.
Pau Torras: saxophonist and chorister.
And me, Gabrirel Almeida: fiscorn/trombonist.

For more information:

News: Energy Drinks Significantly Increase Hyperactivity and Inattention in Children

Middle-school children who consume amounts of sweetened energy drinks are 66% more likely to suffer from hyperactivity and inattention symptoms. The finding has implications for school success and experts recommend children avoid energy drinks, which also often contain caffeine. Boys (specielly black and Hispanic boys) were more likely to consume energy drinks than girls. "The results support the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation that parents should limit consumption of sweetened beverages and that children should not consume any energy drinks.” 
Previous research has shown a strong correlation between children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and poor academic outcomes, greater difficulties with peer relationships, and increased susceptibility to injuries. 
In addition to hyperactivity and inattention, sugared beverages also impact childhood obesity and sugar-sweetened beverages are a leading cause of added calories in the diets of obese children. 

Source: Michael Greenwood, Yale University


News: Engineers Develop Probiotics That Can Detect Tumors

A team of engineers, by using probiotics, has devised a new way to detect cancer that metastasize to the liver. Those patients with liver's cancer have a higher survival rate, so there’s a particular need for detecting its early metastasis. The researchers programmed a strain of bacteria E. coli to produce a luminescent signal that can be detected with a urine test.

Previous studies had shown that bacteria E. coli can penetrate and grow in the tumor microenvironment, where there are lots of nutrients and the body’s immune system is compromised. Because of this, scientists have been trying to develop bacteria as a possible vehicle for cancer treatment. The researchers decided to investigate the possibility of delivering the bacteria orally. This allowed the team to develop a diagnostic specialized for liver tumors. In tests in mice with colon cancer that has spread to the liver, the probiotic bacteria colonized nearly 90% of the metastatic tumors.  The researchers focused on the liver because it is difficult to diagnose metastatic tumors there. With the new system, they can detect bigger liver tumors offering more sensitivity than imaging methods. The MIT team is now pursuing the idea of using probiotic bacteria to treat cancer, as well as for diagnosing it.

Source: Anne Trafton, MIT News

Summer 2015

Now we have almost finished, I can only think about summer. This was a very hard year and I think we deserve these summer holidays.
During the vacations I will go very often to the beach and spent time with my friends. I will use summer to get away
But I have to "hardwork" to: I must work on the research project, so when classes start again, I will not have so much pressure. And my tutor will be proud and confident with me. However, I have to study a lot the fiscorn to progress and improve my level (I hope next season I will be ready to play in a good professional cobla). And I will take some classes to brush up my knowledge about what I've learnt this year (Chemistry, Physics, Maths and Biology). I say "hardwork" because I have to do it well, but I don't mind because I like to do it and, what's more important, I enjoy doing it.
Then, I'm sure I will rehearse a lot with SOMBOITS to be ready to do a great concert if someone hires us.
And maybe I will go a whole weekend to Italy to visit my family that lives there.
Maybe it is not the most exciting summer but I like the plan.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Cancer treatment: New nanodevice defeats drug resistance

Massachusetts Institute of Technology has discovered a new nanodevice that blocks the gene that gives drug resistance to tumors. Then tumors will be debilitated and would be easier to cemotherapy to combat cancer. 
The device, which consists of gold nanoparticles embedded in a hydrogel that can be injected or implanted at a tumor site, could also be used in any gene involved in cancer.
Nataly Artzi used the new device and implanted it in mice with a type of human breast tumor. It blocks the gene MRP1, that gives drug resistance, and then apply the chemotherapy drug and the researchers removed tumors by 90 percent in two weeks, proving its effectiveness.

"Drug resistance is a huge hurdle in cancer therapy and the reason why chemotherapy, in many cases, is not very effective," says João Conde. To overcome this, the researchers created gold nanoparticles coated with strands of DNA complementary to the sequence of MRP1 messenger RNA.
When the DNA encounters the correct mRNA sequence inside a cancer cell, it unfolds and binds to the mRNA, preventing the generation of more molecules of the MRP1 protein. So the device silences the gene that synthesise the MRP1 and now the cell is no longer resistant to that drug, proving its efficacy. The device emits fluorescence allowing the researchers to visualize what is happening inside the cells. Because of this, the particles could also be used for diagnosis -- specifically, determining if a certain cancer-related gene is activated in tumor cells.

The DNA-coated gold nanoparticles are embedded in an adhesive gel that stays in place and coats the tumor after being implanted, so this protects them from degradation and also enables sustained drug release, Artzi says.
This approach could be adapted to deliver any kind of drug or gene therapy targeted to a specific gene involved in cancer, the researchers say. 

Jeffrey Karp, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital, who was not involved in the research says that "Hopefully this approach will perform in studies beyond 14 days and be translatable to patients, who are desperate for new and more effective treatment regimens."

It is a very interesting article that informs us of an important scientific research advance. Cancer is a disease very difficult to combat with any drug, so this are good news for patients who have it. Now there is a little more hope for them and luckily in a few month will be used with them.

Biodegradable Plastic Option From Shrimp Shells

The scientific Javier Fernández, doctor in Nanobiotechnologyat the University of Barcelona, a Harvard researcher and a professor at the Singapore University of Technology and Design is the discoverer of new utilities that can be attributed to this amazing material: chitosan.

It is a biodegradable material that brings hope to the fields of industry and medicine. Aims to reduce plastic consumption. The scientist discovered this substance studying shells of insects and crustaceans and because of that, failed to understand why it was necessary to create the shrilk, a mixture of chitosan (material from the shells of crustaceans and insects) and fibroin (a silk protein), which has a greater force than plastic and it also has the advantage of being biodegradable.
Thanks to publications that talk about this material, medical and industry companies were interested with this material. But there was a problem: silk is too much expensive  and raise the industrial process, and because of that, Javier Fernández and his team managed to remove the silk off the composition.

The researcher emphasizes that different techniques have been used to design the structure and the properties of chitosan, and have been reoriented to other applications. Therefore it is a material that has already existed. It is very easy to obtain because it is the second most abundant organic material on Earth, and is a material that normally ends up in the trash.

Unfortunately, it has not been well studied until now because, after it was discovered, the plastic was created and the research stopped. But when the concern for sustainable materials emerged, their study was resumed.

The scientist says that will soon the production of chitosan can be very high. But while the plastic is present, it will be difficult to introduce it. Meanwhile Javier Fernández will continue to develop applications of the material to give reasons for the generational change.
Link1                                                     Link2
This is a great advance and discover to ecologist worried about environment. Personaly I think it is good to depend less of plastic and keep some petrol to the future. Because unfortunately, plastic is not recyclable and it is very prejudicial to the ecosystem. but now with this biodegradable material, we can start saving our environment.


A team of scientists (from the US biotechnology company NovoBiotic Pharmaceuticals) reveals the results of his research on antibiotic called teixobactina. It is created from the soil where there are bacteria. The drug kills gram-positive bacteria and they do not cause an immediate resistance.
There has always been the problem that bacteria are "immunized" of antibiotics as microorganisms have evolved to resist them. So the teixobactina is a breakthrough for medicine because to bacteria it will be difficult to combat it.
It used to be impossible to grow bacteria out of their environment, but these researchers developed a membrane that 'cheated' bacteria and made them believe that they were in their natural environment when they were in a laboratory. This can lead to complicated natural ways to cure diseases like cancer.
It has not yet been tested in humans yet (it has been tested on mice and is effective), and it is too early to make it available.
It is expected that bacteria take more than 30 years to create genetic resistance to teixobactina . It is due because it inhibits the synthesis of peptidoglycan of the cell wall . That is why, researchers thought that the target could be a lipid, because when Teixobactine links up to lipids, bacteria can not continue to form the wall, and finally debilitate the organism and dies.
The drawback is that Teixobactine only works on gram-negative bacteria, which have an additional cell wall on the membrane and make them resistant to this antibiotic. But after overcome the obstacle of growing microorganisms in laboratories, it is possible that appear an effective compound against these bacteria and help to find future cures.
News link

I've been looking for articles about biology and medicine and I found this very interesting story. I was surprised because it is a recent discovery and that means that the field of medicine continues advancing and providing much help to present and future illnesses (although it is true that it passed a lot of time since the last injection of medicine to society) .

Review The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

I read this book last year in Catalan as an optative reading. I was interested in this book because lots of people had recommended to me I wanted to see if it talked about the WWII (it does, but very summarized, with no much details) .

Since the start we know that the narrator is Death. Liesel Meminger, a nine-year-old German girl was given up by her mother because she couldn't take care property of her daughter. Hans and Rosa Hubermann adopted the girl in Molching. On their way to Molching, Liesel's brother died, and she get very traumatized. Hans was very kind brought her comfort and helps her learn to read. Her first book was about burials. Liesel met Rudy Steiner, who fell in love with her. When she went to a book burning, realized that her parents were killed for being Communists. Then she stole a book from there but the mayor's wife saw her and later invited Liesel to read in her library.

Hans hid a Jew named Max in his basement. Liesel and Max became close friends, and he wrote Liesel two stories about their friendship reproduced in the story. Then Hans was drafted into the military when the war was very hard, and soon Max marched towards the concentration camp at Dachau. Liesel lost hope and began to disdain the written word, and learnt that Hitler's propaganda was blame for the war and the Holocaust and the death of her family, but Ilsa encourages her to write. Liesel wrote her life story in the Hubermann’s basement, and fortunatelly she survived an air raid that killed everyone on her block. Liesel and Max survived the war. She continued her life since she died at an old age. 

I like the plot of the story but in my opinion the historical part is missing in the novel so I recommend the book only to people who want to move, because it is a quite hard story.

An impressing trombone loop of "Happy"

I was searching songs on Youtube to play with the trombone and suddenly I found this video. When I saw the title of the video, I wanted to listen to that song because I dindn't know what a trombone loop was. When it started, I thought it wouldn't be interesting because when I saw the computer I was sure that it would be a playback. Then, I get a bit jealous and angry with myself while I was watching and listening to the video. I couldn't believe that only one persone could do that. But it was really and Mr. Cristopher Bill was playing alone and as well as the video showed. I was such impressed that I searched for some information about this great musician. He is musician since he was 6. He plays the piano, but since he was 10, he plays the trombone.He has a Bachelor of Music for classical trombone performance at the SUNY Purchase Conservatory of Music in New York. He is best known for his all-trombone arrangements of popular songs. And thanks to that and his great hability for music, now he participates in many events.
Someday I really want to play that well but I know it is impossible. So I can only keep studying to become the best I can.

One of the best movies I've ever seen: Dead Poets Society

I have seen lots of films and many were very good. The Dead Poets Society is a great film. I've seen it twice: first I think it was when I was 13; the second time was this past year. When I was 13 I understood, more or less, the plot. Then last year, I saw it with other eyes: I mean, I could understand more aspects of the film than the first time (for example, the ethical values). I really enjoyed it because it is a film that you can see it lots of times and you will not get bored and you will learn new things every time. A little summary of the film would be like this:

The film is set in Welton University, the best private school in the UK. In the beginning of the course came a new teacher, Mr. Keating. Most of the teachers are very disciplinary and authoritarian, but Mr. Keating made dynamic classes with the only goal that said: we have little time in our life and we must make the most of every moment (Carpe diem). But this way to teach didn't like to the other teachers, and therefore they had a conflict of interests. Even the principal told him that is an unorthodox system; and that there is already established a system at the university. 

A group of Mr. Keating students, after researching its history, discovered "The Dead Poets Society ", founded by Mr. Keating (a former student of the school); they asked on this subject and the professor explained them the whole story. Then these students wanted to refound this club and they loved more and more poetry (another Professor Keating's objective).

Through the force with which Mr. Keating taught them and showed them that in this life we must fight for what one wants to, Neil (one of the students) decided to confront his father at the decision to become an actor. He denies it, and he even pulled out of school. Finally, Neil commits suicide. That is why Professor Keating was dismissed from the university, because the case was investigated and investigators found that Neil, belonged to the new Dead Poets Society.

Finally, when Mr. Keating gathered his things in the classroom and when he was crossing the door, he turned over and saw how his students stood up on the tables and increasingly raising the voice, they were saying "Oh captain, my captain." Students pretended to show that they had not betrayed him, but simply had been forced to lie when they were questioned one by one about the "Dead Poets Club".

Some of the arguments for and against keeping animals in zoos.

Today I will talk about zoos: are they good or bad to animals? Do animals are comfortable in zoos or not? Zoos are a great way to show some of the animals that you can't see them elsewhere. It's good to learn a little about these animals and know them.
It's a good system to protect animals that have to face extinction, that are abandoned or that will be used in medical experiments. Zoos are the only chance that these animals have to survive.
Zoos pretend to simulate the real habitat of animals.
Now zookeepers have specialist knowledge and often are specialised in a particular animal. This helps to the animals being comfortable.
Also zoos offer scientists to find the benefit of each animal.
Zoos can't simulate the appropriate conditions for every species of animal. For example, some animals need to run a lot, in a free habitat, but they can't because of the little place where they are.
Some anti-zoo supporters think that zoos are a benefit for people more than for animals.
The animals are living in habitats smaller than they are used to, the animals haven't much privacy. This can cause depression in the animals.
They think that living in captivity is prejudicial to animals more than a benefit.

I can't take place in any position because both pros and con have good arguments, so it's difficult to talk about this topic. I think that the only that really matters is the wellbeing of animals.

Frankenstein Summary

Capitain Robert Walton is on an expedition to the North Pole. He wrote letters to his sister Magaret informing his family of his situation with every detail. One day when the ship was trapped by ice, a man in bad condition was taken aboard. His name was Victor Frankenstein. When he recovered he told Walton the story of his life.

He grew up in Geneva as the eldest son of a higher-class family. He grew up with an orphan, Elizabeth and he also had two younger brothers. His only friend was Henry Clerval. At the age of nineteen, Frankenstein became interested in science. When his mother died Frankenstein went to Ingolstadt to go to university. There, his interest in natural philosophy obsessioned him. After four years of studying, without any contact with his family, he pretended to create an animated species from dead and created a gigantic monster from body parts. At the moment that the creature opened his eyes Frankenstein realised he made a mistake in creating this monster and rejected him. The next day, the monster had disappeared. Victor had a nervous fever during the next months and was nursed by his friend Clerval. The day he wanted to return at home, he received a letter because his youngest brother had been murdered. Frankenstein saw the monster and knew that he is the responsible for his brother’s death. Frankenstein didn't say anithing to anyone keeping the secret. As he arrived home, he was informed that the murderer of his brother had been found. Authorities accused Justine, a good friend of the family, of having murdered his little brother. He couldn't bear his guilty and hid in the alpine valleys. There, Frankenstein found his creation that tells him his life story.

When he ran away from Frankenstein's laboratory, he went to the village where he was insulted and attacked by the frightened villagers. He found refuge next to a small house inhabited by an old, blind man and his two children. The monster, by observing the family and by reading their books, learnt to speak and read. He decided to meet his hosts. He first had a conversation with the blind man but when children returned attacked him. Very upset, the monster was filled with rage and decided to find his creator. By chance he met Frankenstein's younger brother and murdered him.

The monster only wanted from Frankenstein a female to accompany him. If Frankenstein accepts, he and his bride will be happy for ever and they wouldn't see them anymore. Frankenstein agreed to the daemon's request, but when he finally created the female, he destroyed her. The monster swore revenge and promised to be with him on his wedding night. The next day Henry Clerval's body was found and Frankenstein was accused of murder. Frankenstein married Elizabeth and he was convinced that the monster would kill him. However the monster killed Elizabeth instead. Whith a lot of rage, he followed the monster everywhere and arrived to the Arctic region, where he was taken aboard Walton's ship.

Victor asked to the capitain to kill the monster if he died before he can do it himself. Victor's health was very deteriorated and he died. After his death, Walton found the monster with Victor's body. The daemon told to Walton his sufferings and that he will burn himself. Then the monster leaft the ship and disappeared in the darkness.

Chinese new year

This year is the goat's year. Chinese believe in astrology and every year is represented by an animal.
I was born in 1998 so the animal that represents me is the tiger. 

According to the chinese zodiac:
The lucky colours are blue, grey and orange. I don't like any of these colours. My favourite one is red, but if I have to choose one, I'll say blue.
The lucky numbers are 1, 3 and 4. I agree because I like these numbers.
The personality that characterizes the tiger are brave, confident, adventurous, expansive, open and independent. People say that the adjectives thatdescribes me better are all except expansive but I would say that only confident and indepentdent define me.
The best-suited careers for tigers are advertising agent, office manager, travel agent, actor, writer, artist, pilot and musician. Obviusly I want to be musician, but science careers (like Biology) are not in this list so I'm a bit wooried about that...

A definition about tigers is: tigers are energetic and have great enthusiasm at work. Then when they feel exhausted after extendid work, they need some relaxation to refresh themselves. I agree with these sentences becuase I usually do that.

Also it is said that people born in the year of the Tiger are brave, competitive, unpredictable, and self-confident. They are very charming and well-liked by others. But sometimes they are likely to be impetuous, irritable, and overindulged.
They are authoritative and never go back on what they have said. They can be competent leaders. They will not make preparations for anything, but they can handle anything that comes along.
While they are not motivated by money or power.
Tigers love be challenged and will accept any challenge if it means important value to them, and they do not like to obey others. 
I thing that these are the right adjectives and personality that describes me ;)

My opinion about gap years

These past weeks, we've been studying gap years: Will we take a gap year? After Batxillerat? After the end of our studies in the University? It's a good and interesting topic to talk about.
Taking a gap year could be interesting to know yourself. Also you can be open-minded, I mean, you can learn to see the world with other eyes. You can mature and learn new cultures and ways of life, too.
However, a gap year has to be productive and it has to gratify the person who takes it. People musn't thing in gap years as taking a year resting on the sofa, watching TV or doing nothing.
Another negative thing of taking a gap year is the back to the "real life". It seems to be hard to return to study after a gap year (in case you have taken it after Batxillerat) because you have accostummed to spend your time with other people, having fun and relax.
So, in conclusion, getting a gap year in general is a good thing because it has lots of advantages, more than negative things. So, would I take one?

Describing a person (with podcast)

I decided to describe a closer friend because I think it is easier and I can be sincere because I know that it won't be any problem with the contain of this post.
I will describe Andrea. She is 17 years old. She lives in Castelló d'Empúries. She studies at INS Castelló d'Empúries and she's cursing 1st Batxillerat. She loves music and dance. I've known her since I've arrived to Spain. We only studied together during ESO (at school and now in Batxillerat we are in differents classes), but we've always been friends.

She is very crazy, she is always happy and laughing. She has got a strong character (better you don't make she angry if you don't wanna die). She is very extroverted but when she has a problem, she tries not to share her fellings (however it's easy to detect it when you know her very well). She is a little moody. She is emotional and sensitive, too. However, she is not resentful that I think it is an important fact that only have a little people. (I have to say good things about her, too.)

She is not very tall. Actually she is quite short. She has long dark-brown straigh hair. She has dark brown eyes. She wears piercings in the ears and on her nose. (I don't like them but if she does, I accept it too). She likes to wear quite flashy clothes and she is a fashion victim.

She is a very good person and she is a very good, loyal and true friend. From my perspective, she complements me because she is very crazy and I'm very calmed and relaxed (although I sometimes get crazy too). We both are a bit moody and because of that we argue quite often. But then, with a joke she forgives me. She sometimes makes me get crazy or angry with whatever she says. But I think we are good friend because I make she angry, and she makes me angry. "Sino, para que están los amigos?"
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Describing a photo of the place I want to go (podcast)

Since I studied Australia at the school, I have been interested in travel to this country. Australia has lots of places to visit and they are very good. But I have always wanted to vistit the Great Barrier Reef. So I decided to put a little information on this post. The Great Barrier Reef has many generations of coral that have built a habitat discovered and then later settled by humans.
The Great Barrier Reef is an extremely ancient, enormous host of living things, composed of living coral growing on dead coral. It is composed by thousands of species of plants and animals. It is amazing and very large, so I prefer to watch it by helicopter. It has a natural beauty that attracts lots of visitors because of the diversity of the seabed life (corals, fishes and shellfish). It is the only living thing on earth visible from space, so it is a very important fact for Australia.
In the photo you can see how large it is. The water is very clear and helps to show better the Barrier. 
At the back you can see that takes up a great quantity of sea. And both back and front of the image you can observe that when coral touch together, makes a kind of picture in the water. And in the center of the corals, there is a path without it.


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