Sunday 29 November 2015

Is humour necessary?

Humour is an infectious and contagious mood that every single people must experiment every day. Humour is like breathing: it has to be present in our lives.
First of all it helps you relax, due to the fact our body triggers the production of endorphines (that promotes an overall sense of well-bieng) and it also relieves physical tension. Humour shifts perspective, allowing us to see situations from a distant view, so problems do not affect us so hard.
Secondly, simply it promotes group bondings. Humour attracts other people to us and strenghtens relationships.
And finally it is a good tool to "parody everything" we would like to criticise because we disagree with it. For example, we can satirise our society or the government to show the shortcomings they have, so we consider they need to change their proceedings.
So, in conclusion, humour is necessary because we can (and we should) use it at anytime.

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