Sunday 13 March 2016

News: The twins with DIFFERENT fathers

This article explains that "a Vietnamese woman has given birth to twins with different fathers." The twins are the same sex and were born the same day. The piece of news also tells that this case occurred when their father had a DNA test because the children did not look alike him. This revealed the children had different fathers. This extrange case can occur if eggs are fertilized by sperm from two different men within a 7-day ovulation period. There is a miniscule chance that different sperm cells can fertilise two separate eggs -only another seven cases like that are registered in medical literature until now-.

It really shocked me because I've heard about the twins fertilization, that it could occur when two spermatozoon fertilize one egg, or when two spermatozoon fertilize two different eggs. But in this case explained by the news article, we can refer to that phenomena as an heteropaternal superfecundation, which means the fertilisation of multiple eggs, by more than one father, from separate acts of intercourse. As the article says, this is an "extremely rare" case because there are a few possibilities of fertilizing a woman by two different men in that short period of time.
underwent (undergo)
ruled (rule)

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