Wednesday 3 December 2014

Testing on animals-Good or bad?

I'm going to write about the topic of testing on animals because I love them and I'm not sure if all that experiments that test with animals are necessary at all.
Something positive on testing on animals is that scientists can look for a cure for both animals and human illnesses. I think that in this exceptional ambit, testing on animals is good to advance at important topics like cancer or genetic engineering. Experts can advance a lot using on animals their possible cure, that is to say move forward in medical investigation. At least scientists don’t test on humans as much as they do with animals. I’m sure that they have a reason to do that but I don’t think that these cures react equally in animals that in humans.
The cons are that these tests are cruel to animals. I think that everything that is harmful to animals is immoral. And then I’m sure that testing on animals for cosmetics it’s really unnecessary, there must be other methods to make them.

My conclusion is that the only positive thing, as I said, is that scientists use animals to achieve an effective cure to some severe diseases.

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