Monday 16 May 2016



When I first started using blogger, I was in 4th of ESO. My first post was the one about MY DREAM, where I talk about which was my dream when I was 16. The last composition that I posted was WHERE DO I WANT TO BE RIGHT NOW..., that we did it in class.

In my first composition the content is a little bit immature, but I think it is good enough for a 16-year old boy. I think is one of my best posts. The structure is quite simple and, as you can see, it is not very elaborated: the arguments are simple, so I only explain a kind of tale which is the dream I had when I wrote it. The vocabulary has improved from the first composition to the last one. In the latter, I can see a good structure, the maturity has extremely improved as well as the complexity of the content. Noticeably my level of English is richer and better compared to the first composition. 

In the first post I only wrote what I felt, and that is why it is good enough. However, in the last one I can assure it is better because of the kind of vocabulary and grammar that are used.

Regarding oral presentations, I couldn't find which was my first one. I think it was one about MY HERO, in which I talked about a great musician from my town. I remember that I was quite relaxed. However, during 1st batxillerat and a part of 2n batxillerat, every time I had to do an oral presentation I was very nervous and I didn't do my best. Nonetheless, when I had to do the research paper oral presentation I did it good enough. I wasn't very nervous but confident. It was a topic that I really know by hard and it was easier to me to present it. I must say that my English pronunciation is not good for a 2nd batxillerat student, but I think I have improved.

Obviously there are many differences in this two oral presentations: in the first one (I have to supose it) the maturity and the content were very basic. But in the last one the difference is very clear. The maturity of the content, the complexity of the arguments were good.

I can see a personal development in all my posts. I achieved a level of maturity in all my old compositions compared to the first ones. Although I have improved, I don't think I am ready to face a daily situation in English yet. 


My best oral presentation is the Research Paper one, so it is the one I prepared better, I worked on more and I knew it better. The reason why I chose this oral production is because it is about a topic that catched the eye to me because it was the first time I didn't care about presenting it; I was sure enough about the topic and this is thank to I had prepared it well during a long time. I was very inetersted in this oral presentation and that is why it was easier to me to talk about it. 

My best writing production is Last Post. It's not the longest one, or the one in which I showed better the vocabulary and expressions that I have learnt. However, it was a composition that I enjoyed writing because I could express what I thought about my years in high school and what future holds to me. I think that the level of maturity in that kind of writing is better, as you can make a reflection about a personal topic. This leads your composition to improve.

I chose these productions because they are really my best ones. They are both linked to me in the sense that they are own productions, they are very "personal".

Thursday 12 May 2016

Where do I want to be right now...

Imagination is a powerful ability that humans have. It can lend you to represent in your mind whatever you can imagine. A place could be an option. There are many idyllic places that I can imagine right now. However, there is one that I expect to be in someday.
This place would be an island in the middle of the ocean. The island would be big enough to built in it buildings, such as markets, hospitals and, over all, music stores.
There would be beaches with palms and bars in which music bands would play every day.
The best landscape of this island would be the sunset view from the beach while people are playing music and dancing; the orange light of the sunset would lite this amazing scene.
But, what is more, in this island there would be calm, I mean, it would be a place in which you only will think of relax my and have my fun.
So, if I had to choose an idyllic place, of course would be that one.

Monday 9 May 2016

Last post

Finally, the end of my school travel is almost near. Time flies and years have passed quicker and quicker. I hve to admit that both primary school and now high school have left a mark on me. During these schoolar years I have learnt many things (some of them more useful than others) but, what is more important to me, I have met lots of people: classmates, good friends, teachers and staff of the center. 
Its hard to recognize but I am a bit sad that an important part of my life is almost finished. However, a new passage is going to start and it makes me feel excited to discover a new world and get out of my confort zone. Now I will be aware if I am actually ready to make that big step. That is why this new stage worries me a bit; its difficult to accept that you are not an student of the school that has seen you grow anymore and now it is time to fly away and discover a new life.
Let's hope everything goes well!!

Resultado de imagen de quotes encouraging studentssource


Activists say the government should stop making excuses for 'disturbing' civil liberties crackdown

This piece of news tells us that Egypt’s president has said that human rights and freedoms should not be viewed from a “Western perspective”, because of the differences between the conditions of their country and the European ones. This makes it difficult to apply the same rules that regard civil liberties.
However, Britain and France have recently criticised Egypt’s government for human rights abuses and attacking the freedom of the press. An Egypt specialist at Amnesty International, Nicholas Piachaud, told that president Sisi should stop making excuses for disturbing human rights crackdown.

This article is an example of what human rights violations are. Sisi’s excuses are unjustifiable. Saying that “Western” perspective shouldn’t be applied to his country because of the differences between the countries is a big lie. Human rights should be always respected, in all over the world.

Sunday 8 May 2016

Complain about third term

Third term was a crazy term. We have done the course topics in half of a term, what is mad!! I am really stressed out. 
I know this is the only way to prepare us for Selectivitat, but it is very difficult to motivate students if they are aware of the schedule. Most teachers tried to simplify their subject and taught us the basics. However, it is too much information for a short periode of time. Students know they have to do their best every term, but in this last one it is hard to get the results you want. We should keep up-to-date all the subjects but some ones are more difficult than the others.
This term is challenging because pressure don't have to discourage us, we have to keep working to get the best marks and results to get ready for Selectivitat and achive tha higher mark possible.


This article tells us about rapamycin, which it is a bacterial by-product discovered in soil at Easter Island. This by-product is already used in transplant patients to prevent the common organ rejection. Rapamycin was first tested on mice and scientists found it increases their life and this anti-aging drug is now tested on dogs. The study found that dogs that received the drug showed improved heart functionality, and what is more, it increased dogs lifespan.
It is a very intersting news because it tells you that it is possible to find a way to extend our life. Maybe it remains a lot of time to achieve this goal, but who knows if this drug can improve human lifespan as it did with mice and dogs. Science is the largest field of investigation and, with patience and improvement, can let humans life longer.


This news article says that experts warn sleep is much more important than people realize. People who sleep 6 hours a night are already building up a sleep debt. This article says that an study reveals that middle-aged men are most likely to be sleep deprived. In addition, women tend to go to bed earlier and wake up later (especially aged between 30 to 60).
In this news appears the amazing comment that experts at University of Michigan said: 'It doesn't take that many days of not getting enough sleep before you're functionally drunk'. That means that the effects of lack of sleep could be similar to the ones you have when you are drunk. This piece of news is interesting because, as it is said, people don't realize how important sleep is. Some bad habits could lead people to think this way.
This news made me reflect about this issue and awared me of the importance of sleeping the necessary time to let the body and the mind rest.

Failing to get enough sleep can leave a person 'functionally drunk', in a matter of days, experts today warnedsource



This news article explains about astronomers have noticed three Earth-sized planets orbiting a dwarf star. Although it seems to be far away, the miniature planetary system is just 40 light-years away from Earth. Astronomers wish that at least one of these worlds may be not too hot, not too cold, but 'just right', like Earth. This article also tells us that scientists are optimistic; they said they may have 'hit the jackpot' in the search for life in another planet different from ours.

In my opinion, this piece of news is encouraging, so scientists hope they've discovered a planet, relatively close to Earth, that may be perfect to inhabit. It is quite interesting to know that because, as we all know, there will be a time when Earth will disappear (hopefully, not in the near future) and this kind of discovery could let life prevail in the future. Lots of scientists are worried about this issue, but if we are lucky it would be solved by the time Earth "stops working."


This news explains that scientists have identified a key supply route that incited cancer cells. This article says that they blocked gateways, allowing cells to obtain glutamine, an amino acid that by blocking it, experts stopped cancer cells growing.
This key supply could bring a universal cancer cure, it raises hopes of a universal cancer treatment, because it is a very common mechanism present in all cancer cells. According to thist piece of news, it could lead to reduce chemotherapy severe side-effects.

Every new article about health that I read, encourages me a lot more. Cancer is one of the most difficult diseases to treat. However, scientists are working hard to approach us to the best cure of that disease. Every new knowledge can lead to save many lifes and this is the best way of guaranting a better health. 


In this article we learn that Saltwater Lake has been, for a long time, a source of wonder for tourists, because of the huge number of jellyfish living in the lake. However, in recent weeks, tourists have tried so hard to find even a single jellyfish, but they couldn't.
Scientists hold responsibility to a severe drought and to hotter temperatures, that is caused by the global warming process that our planet is experiencing. Recent estimates said the numbers of jellyfish at the lake had declined from 8 million to 600,000, a very alarming information.

I have never heard about this lake, I thought that jellies only lived in the sea. However, this surprising and noticeable fall of the number of jellyfish it is very disturbing. Because of the lack of responsibility that humans have about the protection of our planet, facts like that are happening. Although now it is almost impossible to stop it global warming, let's try to stabilize it.


Suli Breaks - Why I Hate School But Love Education

So you want to get a degree... Why?
Let me tell you what society will tell you:
Increases your chances of getting a job,
Provides you an opportunity to be successful,
Be a lot less stressful,
Education is the key.

Suli Breaks' text made me think about how education, and consequently how society is organized. Suli wants you to think about why is it you’re studying. He wants you to think about yourself and your life… What society says has become the model for our behaviour, so if it says that we need a degree to be successful–well, we’ll try to get a degree because that’s what we have to do. Society is telling us that if you get a college degree, you will get a nice job. If you get a nice job, you will make a lot of money. If you make a lot of money, you will be happy. However, it is not that simple. While these causes certainly do help the reach the outcomes, there is more than one way to achive them. In other words, it is a metaphor saying education is the way to success.


1. What are human rights?
Human rights are moral principles or norms, which describe certain standards of human behavior, and are regularly protected as legal rights in municipal and international law. They are commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights "to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being," and which are "inherent in all human beings" regardless of their nation, location, language, religion, ethnic origin or any other status. They are applicable everywhere and at every time in the sense of being universal, and they are egalitarian in the sense of being the same for everyone. They require empathy and the rule of law and impose an obligation on persons to respect the human rights of others.

2. When and why were they created?
They were created by the United Nations in 1948 to provide a global understanding of how to treat individuals.

3. How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human rights.

4. Choose a human right and explain it. Make a list of new words you hear, if any. Think of an example where this human right is respected and where it is violated.

1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
2. Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

Today, education remains an inaccessible right for millions of children around the world. More than 72 million children of primary education age are not in school and 759 million adults are illiterate and do not have the awareness necessary to improve both their living conditions and those of their children.
Causes of lack of education: Marginalisation and poverty, Financial deficit of developing countries.

Most affected regions.
As a result of poverty and marginalization, more than 72 million children around the world remain unschooled. Sub-Saharan Africa is the most affected area with over 32 million children of primary school age remaining uneducated. Central and Eastern Asia, as well as the Pacific, are also severely affected by this problem with more than 27 million uneducated children.

Additionally, these regions must also solve continuing problems of educational poverty (a child in education for less than 4 years) and extreme educational poverty (a child in education for less than 2 years). Essentially this concerns Sub-Saharan Africa where more than half of children receive an education for less than 4 years. In certain countries, such as Somalia and Burkina Faso, more than 50% of children receive an education for a period less than 2 years. .

The lack of schooling and poor education have negative effects on the population and country.  The children leave school without having acquired the basics, which greatly impedes the social and economic development of these countries. 
There is also inequality between girls and boys. Today, it is girls who have the least access to education. They make up more than 54% of the non-schooled population in the world. This problem occurs most frequently in Arab States, in central Asia and in Southern and Western Asia and is principally explained by the cultural and traditional privileged treatment given to males. Girls are destined to work in the family home, whereas boys are entitled to receive an education.

Although many developing countries may congratulate themselves on dramatically reducing inequality between girls and boys in education, a lot of effort is still needed in order to achieve universal primary education.

Monday 14 March 2016

21st century education

Now we live in modern times and we belong to the digital era. New technologies are improving every day and this is because of the amount of sources that scientists have.
So this improvement has to be present in 21st century schools. Basicaly because it's necessary to show students how they can use technology for their daily routine. Everyone must know about how it works, but specificaly students may know this better because they are the future. Technology evolves faster and faster so new generations pupils should control it.
Education should be more focused on learning every subject by new technologies. This would let the students to learn a bit of everything using this great source of facilities and information.

Sunday 13 March 2016

Oral presentation video and self-evaluation

In this oral presentation I felt more comfortable than in the one we did in the first term. I suppose that the fact of knowing perfectly the topic helps you to feel more confident while you are exposing your oral presentation. Apart from the nerves we can see in this video, I think I was quite relaxed during the explanation of my research paper.

Film Review: Insidious: Chapter 3

Quinn Brenner, the protagonist of this film, lives with her father, Sean, and her younger brother, Alex. She misses her mother, Lillith, who died a year before.
Quin decided to visit Elise, a parapsychologist, to talk to her mother. However, the old woman advises Quinn not to make contact with her mother again, so she senses that the spirit that she has noticed was not Lillith. The girl saw a shadow waving at her and, after an audition for a prestigious drama school, she was mowed down by a car. The accident leaves Quinn very injured.

Once she was back home, the demonic figure wanted to haunt her, and every time was more and more malevolent. Sean asked Elise for help but she denied it because her previous visits to the "dark" spiritual world made her realise that it was very dangerous, so an evil spirit wanted to kill her. After Sean's visit, Carl, a fellow, convinced Elise to continue using her spiritual ability and helping the Brenner's.

Now Sean contracted a ghost hunter duo. But as Quinn's possession became worse -now she was possessed by the demon and is slowly dying- Sean realised that the duo hunters were FAKE. When Sean wanted to fire the duo, Elise arrived. The old woman decided to enter the spiritual world and told Specs and Tucker recording the activities and words she would drecribe. With the help of a spirit, who was a victim of the demon, Elise enters the Further. Elise, trying to defeat the demon, returns to the material world and realised that Quinn had to beat her faceless version by herself. At first, Quinn was at a disadvantage, but Elise read a letter that Lillith wrote. After that, Lillith's spirit appeared and helped Quinn to take control of her body and return to the real world. Finally, Elise decided to work with the ghost hunter duo.

The film ends when Elise arrives home and the demon suddenly appears beside her.


News: How much caffeine is safe?

How much caffeine is safe? As experts say schoolchildren should be warned of the dangers, we reveal how much is in YOUR favourite drink...

This new article explains about that eight in 10 school children consume drinks with a high level of caffeine. In addition, it tells us that more than 11% of students have energy drinks, fizzy drinks or coffe every day. It also explains that, although caffeine is acceptable for adults, it is not safe for children. The article also mentions that children should be taught about the health dangers that stimulants like caffeine have.

In my opinion this article should be shown in every school, so teachers can control, at least during class hours, the dosis that schoolchildren take of stimulant drinks. It also can be shown to parents to warn of the dangers that some of the most common drinks that children takes are not safe at all.
This piece of news is interesting because it tells people that we should regulate the amount of timilant drinks that children have. Stimulants are also found in foods and drinks with strong colours -the colours are chemical and so they are harmful.
In cloncusion, this article is very good to make aware of the dangers of a high leve consumtion of stimulant drinks.


My experiences of the Research Paper

There are some reasons to consider that doing a Research Paper is a positive experience for students.
First of all because I enjoyed doing the practical part in the lab, so I could do all the practices on my own. The main positive point was that I could cultivate bacteria and I could check by myself the effect of disinfectants on these bacterial cultures.
The second reason why I am satisfied with doing this project is because I learnt new things and I got a deeper knowledge on topics that I already knew.
And finally, another good aspect of performing this research paper is that I could enjoy the experience with my tutor because it is a personal way of learning.
In conclusion, I consider that the research paper is a positive aspect of Batxillerat due to the fact you have to organise all the information that you have gathered, and it leads you make a good structure of the body of the project. It is a different way of learning from Batxillerat. However, if you don’t work constantly, it is very tough!!

News: The twins with DIFFERENT fathers

This article explains that "a Vietnamese woman has given birth to twins with different fathers." The twins are the same sex and were born the same day. The piece of news also tells that this case occurred when their father had a DNA test because the children did not look alike him. This revealed the children had different fathers. This extrange case can occur if eggs are fertilized by sperm from two different men within a 7-day ovulation period. There is a miniscule chance that different sperm cells can fertilise two separate eggs -only another seven cases like that are registered in medical literature until now-.

It really shocked me because I've heard about the twins fertilization, that it could occur when two spermatozoon fertilize one egg, or when two spermatozoon fertilize two different eggs. But in this case explained by the news article, we can refer to that phenomena as an heteropaternal superfecundation, which means the fertilisation of multiple eggs, by more than one father, from separate acts of intercourse. As the article says, this is an "extremely rare" case because there are a few possibilities of fertilizing a woman by two different men in that short period of time.
underwent (undergo)
ruled (rule)