Monday 10 March 2014

Shakespeare's Biography

Shakespeare was born the 23rd of April of 1564 in Stratford-Upon-Avon, and he died the 23rd of April of 1616. He was the greatest poem and play writer of ever in the English language. 
His family was well-off. His father was John Shakespeare, aglovemaker, a shop keeper, land owner a the mayor of Stratford. His mother Mary Arden was inherited land wich was bequeathed to William. William had 7 borthers and sisters. He probably attended the free grammar school until 15, mainly studying Latin. Read much mythology, Ovid, Plutarch's lives, etc., wich he used as sources. 
William married with Anne Hathaway on November 27, 1582. She was 8 years older. And the had 3 children: Susanna, and the twins, Hamnet & Judith. 
He lived in London most of his life and had little to do with Stratford, although he became its thrid largest landowner, and eventually retired there. 
By 1592, he was recognized as a successful actor on  the London stage-as well as a leading poet. He was a member of a repertory group- Chamberlain's Men. He wrote at least 38 plays as well as sonnets (154) and other poems like The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, etc
He revolutionized the English stage with his dramatic and poetic genius. In 1599 built the Globe Theatre in London. He retired from the theatre his native Stratford sometime between 1611 and 1613- having bought a large house called "New Place". 
He died on his 52nd birthday April 23, 1616 in Stratford and was buried in the chancel of the Church of Holy trinity.

Businesses loving Valentine's Day ever more

This notice is about that the Americans had spent $13.7 billion this year on Valentine's Day, up 22 percent from just five years ago. Only on Christmas and on the back-to-school season, people spend more money. The traditional methods are used to donate to the most nearby and dear persons. The most select gifts are  love cards. According to some journalists,  In theory everyday should be like Valentine’s Day. And every Valentine’s Day should be about whom you spend it with, not how much was spent. 
I think that it is not necessary to spend so much money to demonstrate the love towards a person.

A love quote and a love film

Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.
Bruce Lee.

El amor es como una amistad a la que se prendió fuego. En un principio una llama, muy bonita, a menudo caliente y feroz, pero aún así solo luz y parpadeo. A medida que crece el amor, nuestros corazones maduran y nuestro amor se convierte en carbón, cala hondo y es inextinguible.
Bruce Lee.

Pretty Woman

I don't like love stories or films, but this one is not a bad love film. This film is starrig by Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. It is about a rich businessman that met a prostitute, when the man ask the girl to guide him. At first, the girl had act as an ordinary person. Graduatelly, the couple was falling in love. Finally, the girl achieved to act as a "normal woman", with good manners. Unfortunatelly, both couldn't stay together because the businessman had to work and the girl wanted to have a better life.


What's music for me?

For me music is my pation, my favourite hobby. I play the guitar, the fiscorn and the trombone. I enjoy playing songs with the guitar. I like to interpretate sardanes and music for orchestra/band with the fiscorn. And I like playing some songs with the piano, although I haven't done any class of it. I am very hopeful to play all these instruments because I love music.
To improve with these difficult instruments I have to practise a lot but I don't care because I enjoy doing it.
I play in La Banda Municipal de Figueres since this past summer. We are working in a project and we have played in some events like La Acústica this past summer.
I am very excited to be a member of that young band and to belong to a cobla, La Castellonina. It is the music school's cobla and it has to progress with all the members. It's amazing when I have to play in an event because I'm not nervous, in fact I enjoy it.
If I want to go to a professional cobla (although I have already played in a professional one, Els Rossinyolets) I have to study more and more to impress them. I hope that it can be as early as possible!!!

My pets

In general I love all the animals because I think they are our friends. But in this post I'm going to talk about my pets. I have a dog, Blacky, and three turtles. I had three birds, but they died because of hot. One day, one of the turtles fell from a second floor. I was very sad because I thought that it was dead. But it wasn't and it still alive. 
I have my dog since I was 9. Normaly I take care of Blacky and I walk it. When it was a puppy, it was black and for this reason its name's Blacky. Blacky is very playful, bushy, loving but very nervous. It seems a hairball that moves from side to side. Sometimes, when I want to play with Blacky but it doesn't want, it groans to me, but I know that Blacky loves me and I stop bother it. I love It too.

Monday 3 March 2014

Romeo and Juliet's Summary

The Montagues and the Capulets were two families who lived in Verona. They hated each other. One day two Capulet servants met two Montague servants, they started to fight. Benvolio, who liked peace, told them to stop but Tybalt, who loved fighting, told them to continue. Lord and Lady Montague and Lord and Lady Capulet arrived and started to fight, too. The Prince of Verona arrived and was very angry. He told them "If you fight again you will be punished with death".
Lord and Lady Montague were very worried about Romeo because he was very sad. Benvolio asked Romeo why he was sad, Romeo explained he was in love with Rosaline.
Lord Capulet decided to have a party. He wanted Juliet and Paris to get married. Romeo, Benvolio and Mercutio go secretely to the party, it was a masked party. At the party Tybalt recognised Romeo's voice but Lord Capulet told him he must not fight. Romeo saw Juliet and he fell in love. They kissed and later they meet on the balcony, decided to get married. 
Romeo went to see Friar Laurence and organised a secret wedding. Mercutio and Benvolio were walking in the street when they met Tybalt. Tybalt wanted to fight Romeo but Romeo did not want to fight Juliet's cousin. Mercutio was angry with Romeo and started to fight Tybalt. Romeo tried to stop them but at that moment Tybalt killed Mercutio. Then Romeo killed Tybalt. The Prince of Verona punished Romeo with banish from Verona. Romeo and Juliet spend a night together and then Romeo left to Mantua.
Lord Capulet told Juliet that in a few days she will marry with Paris but Friar Laurence gave Juliet a potion that she will apear dead. Then the family put her in the family tomb. Friar Laurence sent Friar John to tell Romeo to take Juliet from the tomb. Friar John didn't find Romeo and he heard that Juliet was dead. Romeo bought some poison. He went to the tomb, killed Paris and drank the poison netx to Juliet. At that moment Juliiet Wake up and she saw that Romeo was dead. She took his knife and killed herself.
(363 words)