Fossilised bones of a dinosaur believed to be the largest creature ever to walk the Earth have been unearthed in Argentina, palaeontologists say. Based on its huge thigh bones, it was 40m long and 20m tall. Weighing in at 77 tonnes, seven tonnes heavier than the previous record holder, Argentinosaurus. Scientists believe it is a new species of titanosaur - an enormous herbivore. They unearthed the partial skeletons of seven individuals - about 150 bones in total - all in "remarkable condition". This new dinosaur is the largest animal known that walked on Earth. This giant herbivore lived in the forests of Patagonia between 95 and 100 million years ago, based on the age of the rocks in which its bones were found. One problem with assessing the weight is that no complete skeleton is known, which means the animal's proportions and overall shape are conjectural. So it's interesting to hear another really huge sauropod has been discovered, but ideally we'd need much more material of these supersized animals to determine just how big they really got.

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